Lecture One: The Basics

We are all humans first! We often talk about the same things when it comes to our relationships with men and women. We focus on where there is a lack and complain about the inadequacies. So, I want to come up with something new and perhaps change our discussion to be more productive. Let’s focus on the similarities of our humanity. We all basically want the same things: Love, Safety, Acceptance, Appreciation, Loyalty, Respect, Trust, and Honesty. When we can individually define these basic needs, we can request our partners to meet these needs in the ways that speak that you want to care for me on purpose. We do not need to agree on the definitions. We simply make a conscious effort to provide what they need in the way they have defined it for us. And we learn to give and receive with grace and mercy because we as humans will not always get it right. We concede that we both, forever stand in the place of a student of each other, forever learning and changing to make our marriages enjoyable, sustainable, and full of care and love.

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